Uma Roychoudhury
Wanderausstellung: Kein Leben ohne Wasser
>>18.9. bis 28.11.2014 | Heidelberg | |Ausstellungsorte:
Heiliggeistkirche (Marktplatz) | Mo-Sa: 11 - 17 Uhr | So u. Feiertage: 12.30 - 17 Uhr
Providenzkirche | Hauptstraße 90a | 69117 Heidelberg | täglich 10 - 18 Uhr
>> Juni-Juli 2012 | Lüchow | "KuK-Kunst & Kultur Kreishaus Lüchow-Dannenberg"
>> März-Mai 2012 | Berlin | Berliner WasserGalerie
Vishnu - die Wassergottheit
Eine der bedeutendsten Gottheiten der Inder ist Vishnu. Vishnu ist die Wassergottheit, der Inbegriff allen Lebens.
Die indische Künstlerin Umar Roychoudhury ist ihrer traditionellen Religion zutiefst verbunden. Durch die kostbare Ausführung ihrer Bilder bringt sie ihre Ehrerbietung zum Ausdruck. Edle Farben aus Indien, Blattgold und Edelsteine vollenden die aufwendigen Malereien. Jedes Bild ist eine Verehrung an die Gottheit.
"The primary source of the medium is my consciousness. In the artworks it appears along with the Eternity and endlessness into contact. For the visionary art, it requires an opening for the phy- sical, intellectual and contemplative eyes. I follow likewise the same object to manifest the entire spectrum of the consciousness of material perception and right up to the intellectual insight by means of my paintings. I believe in an existence of an above and above arch-type world, out of which my sacred paintings of the religion become visible.
The sacred paintings long for a contemplative voyage in the world of eternity, accompanied by an infinite study of truth.
The exhibited paintings, namely the motives of Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity which predominantly overstep the philosophical essence of these religions, find their merit particularly in itself.
I considered this as my duty as to animate the higher spiritual reality and to experience the existence to implement this through the pictures of transcendental shining energy."
Uma Roychoudhury
Uma Roychoudhury was born in Kolkata in1952. She finished her post-diploma in Fine Arts at Visva-Bharati-University (Westbengal, India) founded by Rabindranath Tagore.
Later she passed an examination in Comparative Religion at the Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main.
She has held several exhibitions in Switzerland and Germany (Zurich, Munich, Darmstadt, Frankfurt am Main [here, Protestant Church Congress, Goethe-University, Airport, St. Catherine Church, Museum of World Cultures], Friedberg, Mainz, Passau.)
Besides her artistic work and art teaching, she is an adviser for interreligious art member of the Advisory Board of the Institute for Religious Peace Research at the Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main. From 1986 to 2007 she has worked as a lecturer for Hindu Religion at the same university.
Her paintings include Hindu, Buddhist and Christian motives. >more
Galerie Graf
c/o Kultur + Kreativ-
„Alte Feuerwache“
Emil-Maier-Str. 16
69115 Heidelberg
T 06221 163773
M 0170 3269765
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